

Monday, May 28, 2018

Let's Be Honest, Shall We?

I have NO idea if my errant mood is a result smoking/not smoking followed by more smoking/not smoking, but I've just about had e-fucking-nough.

I just can't listen to people. Their ignorant platforms genuinely hurt my soul. It's like everyone's just being loud, arrogant, and opinionated just to hear the sound of their own voices.

I thought I had weeded out my Facebook so that it was safe to go on, but the people complaining about the bike lanes that have gone in to our little downtown core... I just don't get it. It hurts my heart and mind to see people's dark side like this.

I have to go clean my soul.

Same side of a different coin: It appears I'm having some issues living with a boyfriend/roommate in a small, overheated one bedroom apartment (sans silverfish). It appears that I have moments of fierce independence and become absolutely incensed when his routine fucks up mine (and I'm too polite or agreeable to assert my own prior to the mighty clash). I mean, I think a lot of it is the smoking, tbh.

I watched an older woman getting into her car the other day and, get this, I saw the day I would be a single, invisible to the mainstream, grandmother.

It looked so peaceful. 

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