

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Slow Beat

It is like a sickness at times. My desire for him is so present it takes all of me to push him out of my head.

I think I see why he avoids me at times, I feel like saying, "you are taking up all of my mind space, I feel like I am holding my breath when I'm not with you, only exhaling again when you are around me, you are in my skin - and I need you to leave."

I can barely get things done right.

I find myself wanting to just do this to death already. Why are we prolonging this? Let's just be together the way it feels like we should be, and then we will likely see the folly of it much clearer, then we can laugh about it and let go.

Let's press the pleasure button so much that we break it. Seductively touching it every once in awhile and then hiding it again is driving me nuts.

I don't want to manifest the end though. I will let it be what it is and just focus on mitigating the connection that my brain has made. I will do my best to replace that exploding synapse with a gentle, repeating spark - the calm solidarity of my one.

A slow beat.

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