

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Dirty Energy

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Like I put some bad gas in my car, I feel like my soul is coughing and choking along. I'm angry.

I was fine up and until my landlady asked if I would like to pitch in for the firewood shed that her firewood guy built for 'us.' Only, it's a fixture at this house and I'm renting. Why the fuck would she ask me to pay for a portion of solid fixture of her house? It's like asking me to pitch in for renos.

Well, I'll tell you why (I think she would ask that). She's a penny pincher and she tries to squeeze dimes from anywhere she can, including asking people that she senses she can take advantage of ... for a small fee. In my mind, she has enough gal to be something like, "I'll put them in an awkward position where saying no makes you look like a bit of an ass...it's only $20" and this slight of hand towards insincerity has me wholly and completely incensed.

I believe I feel so strongly about this because I'm tired of people taking advantage of kindnesses, little tiny scratches that add up over time - and I'm starting to SPEAK UP. But that one was so small... that I didn't. And I'm mad at myself for not being clear.

This has spurned my slightly rabid, captured dog syndrome. Or, you know, large angry cat

First my sister, then my ex-coworker friend, my current full blown male ego coworkers, my thrifty landlord, my still emotionally developing sidekick (the Greek)...

Shitty parts of people and the world can fuck itself today. I'm not taking calls. 

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