

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Stupid Kavorka

I made the mistake of remembering his brown eyes looking lustfully urgent into mine, holding me still with him.

How often does one find that? Where it feels like equal lust. Equal passion fucking.

Does he just make that where ever he goes, does everyone?

I kissed that other fella to see if the sparks would be the same. They were not even close.

Why did his chemistry have to match mine, this would be so much easier if it hadn't. I really didn't expect it to, I expected to find him very awkward on my skin. I expected to run away, nervously laughing with oh my god, this is ridiculously silly thoughts in my head.

Maybe it was one sided on my end, that was bound to happen one day. Maybe for him, it was not that different from all of his experiences.

When he said, "I think we would make a good couple" while, you know, hammering away at me from behind, was he just speaking out of lust in the moment? Or was that his actual truth in him (because, given the age difference, I am not entirely sure about that and as such, would never have said anything like that) that he doesn't want to look at, because that seems like an awfully strange thing to say as a heat of the moment statement.

Bah, it doesn't matter. He likely envisioned that at some point and then, like myself, saw the error of reality in that vision.

Anywhoo, they were lovely moments, and it feels a shame to let them disappear, but whattya gonna do.

Fuck you, Kavorka

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