

Friday, March 25, 2016

WTF? Did that just happen?

As I meander around my mind and read back on old posts, I come across this one where in I was walking through some anxiety. It was written almost a year ago to the day (it was written exactly one year to the date that I will find out if I did or did not win a short story contest, but that's a different story). 

In this post, I ask the universe to reveal itself:
What is there that I should know and I will walk through it. I will lay down my cards, forgive my hand, and... meet the storm. 
I would rather that. I would rather there be something rather than nothing.
"There is a move," I hear or make up that I heard. There is a fundamental breakdown in my foundation - a blessing. A longing to feel real.
 "There is a move"???? I remember being unsure if I heard it or made up what I wanted to hear (it's always safer to assume that one just made up what they wanted to hear). The next post I write after that marks the first time I see the Greek in a while, wherein he makes his first slight of hand move, which is the beginning of the breaking of my foundation.

After that day, momentum continues slowly until October of that year when the door gets kicked in and my life as I knew gets real. I get the life sweetly fucked back into me (hurrah!)

I re-read this post after, once again, sitting quietly and asking the universe to reveal itself, as it pertains to this desire for love, passion, and elevation.

After reading the post and seeing that, um, I think the universe actually spoke to me, I asked if it had anything to say today.

I heard, or made up that I heard, "He is coming" and then I heard or felt, "2 months."

So, I thought, I should just write that shit down.

For the record, I don't think it's the Greek, I mean, I have no idea whatsoever, I'm just sayin' for the record, I'm not actually holding on to that.

If he is coming, I should get ready (I have no idea what that means either, but it has something to do with getting on with it).

I am always a little mystified by how we are given answers but because they don't happen in a day or a week, we don't believe in it or we forget. But when you look back, you simply see that it really does take time for life to unfold, for things to pass. It takes a gloriously sweet amount of time.

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