

Monday, December 30, 2019


Bitmoji ImageUpdate: It was the progesterone, it filled me with a gale wind of anger. Everyone was in my way.

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I fucking hated every cell that lived. And the dead were too pious for me as well.

Glad that's over.

What Progesterone did...

So annoyed lately and can't put my finger on whether it's me in a mood or if my partner is actually doing things that drive me nuts. As noted before, we work together, we sit beside each other, we leave for work together, we go home together. Even when I'm going for an early work out, he's right there "K, I'll leave with you."

For a while, it was fine, nice even. But, now it's getting to the point where I feel like I have to update him on my schedule so that he can join me. I need to consider him in my schedule, so that he can join me.

Oh, and BIG news here, my niece has gone back with her dad. I am no longer a full time mom/auntie and I'm finding that, in my rejoicing, I DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT ANYONE ELSE WITHIN MY SCHEDULE.

I told him this just before Christmas. I told him that, while we're both so excited, it would be about us. First, it had to be about me. Me letting my brain relax and just living my life like a solo person BECAUSE I CAN.

I told him I wanted to pick up my routine (only broken for about 3 weeks) of being back on my bike and going to the gym - and hitting a 6:45am gym time  when ever I felt like it - at a whim - because NOW I CAN.

I'm a fly by the seat of my pants girl often. I may or may not go to the gym. I may book for 6 and then change my mind for 8. I DO NOT want to feel like I need to update my partner with each change I make AND tell him WHY!!!!!!

Something has happened where he must be up in my business more than usual. It seems to me like I would ask him some things? Maybe? I don't know if I do  question everything. He makes plans and I say "cool, that sounds like fun." He changes  his plans with friends and I say "Oh bummer"? Or do I ask, "oh that's too bad, why?"

If at lunch time he says, "I'm going to go to [a shop]" do I reply, "why are you going there?" Because he does that to me and lately I find myself saying this like "because I want to?"

It feels as though he questions everything I do so that he can ... help me optimize my plans. "Well, I was just wondering if you wanted me to do it for you? I could go to that store and pick that up for you and you can relax" he smiles helpfully.

Which then puts me in the position of asking him to do something for me before I decide to do it because he's going to jump in front of me every time I go to do something and offer to do it for me. So let's just save time and I'll just sit and he can do every thing  - because that will go well over time.

And he doesn't see his behaviour. He lacks perspective and insight a lot of the time. His emotional intelligence seems lazy sometimes, as if he depends on "I'm just a happy puppy" approach to cover up his lack of mature presence.

When I had my niece, I was more stressed. Work was a lot of little and big things and then there was my niece on top of that and he wanted to help. So he tried to take the 'little life things' off my plate and that was nice and thoughtful.

Now though, I feel as though I've told him - "you can step back now, let me do me" and he's having a hard time switching gears I guess. I've told him I need space to adjust back into my life, and he feels as though I'm leaving him. I've told him I don't want to take care of somebody right now, and he feels lonlier than he did when she was here - when he was so excited to have "us" back.

I don't know what to tell him. I just want some time and space to collect myself after a year of my niece and my sister blowing up my life. That seems super reasonable to me. It's not like I'm ignoring him AT ALL. I just don't want to be Siamese happy puppy dogs twins. I CANNOT do that.

Give me some space to adjust back into my life, my routine. I want to get back into the gym, I'd like to do yoga, I want to have time to think, visit friends, focus on my health and strength. I'll see you at work and I'll see you at home. We'll do date nights and movies, but in between.... I just want to think for myself

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Something Sweet This Way Comes

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My time here in Mexico, writing for writing sake - because I feel a few things that I want to put words to. My travel companions, my best friend and her husband, they fight... Not a lot but enough. They bicker like brother and sister and then it escalates,  and the foundation of it seems so toxic to me. I don't do toxic in my life so it's a weird thing to be around, it hurts my soul. I want to go home and clean myself of it, spend time alone and just hug myself. Of course, just being away from home makes me feel that too. Because I am a homebody, I love my home and my space. I love being alone.

Going home, however,  I am going home to my partner who misses me and will want to have sex. I don't want to have sex, I do not feel sexy.

My focus coming here was to relax and do some chill work on myself which I feel like I was able to. It was also, hopefully, to reevaluate my job and how I'm doing it. I kinda did that, but... I think it's a bigger mountain than a week in a busy tourist town.

My soul still feels like it hurts a bit. It's tired. I don't want to live like that anymore.

I got some good time writing my book, that was nice. I can see how having dedicated time to focusing on just that would go a long way in getting it done. My mind is so cluttered. My heart so pulled.

I do look forward to seeing my partner though, his clean spirit and positive energy. Also, I would like him to just lay with me - and maybe, as much as I hate to admit it, I could just cry about everything that hurts:

My mothers Alzheimers
Half parenting my niece
Missing a day to day life with my kids
The disorganization of my work
The under resourced, over worked state of my job, my project
Missing something sweet

to which I would like the following, in order

Grace and time to say good bye with all of my heart
Bring her to a home where she will flourish
Be in close proximity spiritually and physically 
Reinvent (elevate) my job and allow space to write the fucking book 
Enjoy something sweet again

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Weird Juncture

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Who knows what will happen, probably nothing, but this feels like a weird juncture.

By this I mean - maybe the Greek will come back and tell me he doesn't want to be together anymore, that he wants his own place. It's really not clear to me if I think that because it's what I want to have happen or what I intuit is happening.

He's still at odds with his job, where we work together, and this odds had been made worse by a recent new management hire. There are similarities between the two of them, one of which being their charisma - they each have it albeit very differently. The Greeks charisma, while more authentic in nature, is being squashed by the new guy. And, the new guy is cracking the whip of lax production. So stealing my Greek's spotlight and cushy job.

We've had "big" talks about this at least once a year, talks where I end up telling him my truth which is, "look, we can all see you've been getting away with a lot of free work time. You have to pick up the pace. If you don't like it, you can quit" and today I added, "you should probably quit."

I don't know. I had to get that off my chest. It was a piss or get off the pot moment and I feel like me speaking my truth, a truth I know he see's the honesty of, has fractured me for him.

I've always been on about how I'm not entirely my true self with him. I see the vision of me that he sees and I try and keep it up. Maybe that's true of everyone.

He talks about how people are too PC to handle his level of candid honesty and communication and that the world should toughen up but by the same token, I don't think he appreciated my version of that very type of communication. And in the end I find that I don't care how he feels about it. It is the truth and it felt good to speak it. If it breaks us, then so be it. I don't want to spend energy holding up false truths -

which, if I am to be honest -

his false truth will be that he really doesn't like living with me with my niece. A truth that he will, by the end of this day, undoubtedly come to.

And if we're going to take down false walls, then let's take them all down, right? What can I say to that? Other than, true story brah. 

I'm stuck at my juncture: my job, my niece. I've manifested this job to give me a platform to write my book - it's exactly what I've worked all my life for. New glitzy manager guy is not stealing anything from me and I don't want to give up what will help me achieve my end game: be a happy, well paid writer (I added happy because... be careful what you wish for). And my niece, well that's a matter of time and I'm doing the best I can. I'm content being stuck here for now, I'm working my plan.

I see this job is changing and I don't think I'm up for where it's going - but I have time. I have a goal. He doesn't have the same focus and he'll understand that he needs to make some changes to understand what his focus and goal is.

It's not that I want this to be over - it's just that I don't want to hang in some weird balance if that is the case. Just rip the bandaid. Being constantly prepared for the shelf life of my appearance to run out is a little exhausting.

It's the first rainy day of the summer and there is a charge in the air. I feel it. It feels real. And real feels like such a relief.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Rose Goes in the Front

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Don't think, Meat
I've been working a lot. Working on my book, working at work, working at my sister, working at not suffering (a relative term), working at finding some peace, working at finding solutions to my situation. That's the big one: working at finding solutions to my situation.

Always, my mind is puzzling. This piece goes here, what if I put this one here and that one there. No, that didn't work, what if we move these over here, does that fit? No, try again. No, try again. No, try again.

I want to go and get a card reading. I want her to tell me if this going to stop or not. Do I have to make a decision to lose my life and relationship as I know it? Is that the right thing to do? What is the right thing to do? Is the right thing to do to stand up for what I believe could/should be? Same puzzle, different elevation or perspective.

I can feel the answer - the right answer for me - and it's let go. Let go of the puzzle, let go of the responsibility, all will be okay. And that's what I'm going to do, because
  • I'm living my sister's insanity
  • I'm losing capacity of heart, soul, and mind
  • I need quiet
I feel so raw and ripped. I know that my sister has capacity, but I also know that she's very sick in her soul. I care for her but what I am doing is not helping her. The sickest part of her is using me, I am a safety net. But also, I think she needs one. But it can't be me.

I have to let her and her life situation go. I have to let her daughter blow about in the wild and hope she lands softly. I will have to look her daughter, my niece, in the eye one day and say, "Yes, I let go." Which also sounds like, "I gave up on you" to me.  Even though, I didn't give up, her mom did, but we all knew that had happened, so I, a responsible adult, gave up again. First her mother, then her father, then ... me - the one that could have done it for forever said, "But I don't wanna." 

I've started again, I'm working the puzzle. This isn't why I wanted to write here today. I wanted to write because I've spent all of my time lately on working things and not me. I have no quiet in my brain, heart, and soul. 

I'm going to need some good medicine once this is over, I'm going to need to piece myself together again. This habit, the muscle, of problem solving has become too big and I need to rest it. How can I start that now? 

I need structure. I need to be alone first and to then to be able to decide when I'm ready to spend time with people, to give that part of myself that I have over-given to my sister and her life. I need to protect me. 

Meditation seems like it would be a good first step but a lofty one for me right now.
  • Counselling, someone who can help me with largest puzzle pieces, me.
  • Working from home at least one day a week, Wednesdays 
  • Eventually, find a community, people I truly connect with, outside of just me. 
  • Connect to a slow and positive forward existence of happiness

I suppose I will have to, might have to, learn to forgive myself for the way in which I choose to play a role in my niece's life. 

The first step in all of this seems to be the need to shut off, or turn down, my connection to thought and processing. So the hardest thing on that list (that I didn't include in the actual list...) , meditation, seems to be the one I might want to prioritize. Thinking then feeling, thinking then feeling, over and over again. It's madness. 

I think I can likely achieve some of that goal in practicing a quiet mind on my own, I can manifest a peaceful mind and a charmed life. An existence I have because I created it through doing the good work and trusting in a power greater than myself. To move within the circle of the g.o.d. we all share, and to stay within the energy that that g.o.d. creates. See that and move, one step at a time, back to it. 

Experience and return fun and joy into the world by all means possible. 
Know my strengths. Protect and serve them
Know my weaknesses. 

Don't think, Meat. 

Sunday, May 19, 2019

What The Fuck Ever

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I go through a weird run of emotions or thoughts when I'm away from home. This odd isolation feeling where I panic every so slightly that I am not at home - so far away from my core - and that I'm too naked out here.
Then I might relax and be totally cool with it all
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And then I'll be sad that I'm alone and reflect at how often I really am alone even when I am home.
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I think it just shows how much time I have on my hands? And that perhaps I have unlearned how to be not doing and having nothing to do. It's hard to have nothing to do. Truly, kids were such a blessing, there was never such an opportunity to over-reflect when you had kids, they always pulled you from that incessant and luscious lament by falling down and crying, wailing for food, loving you.

Now, I just have all this time and it has a powerful echo.

I'd like to get rid of this pattern, I'd like to clean it up and away. I'd like to be void of concern over things that don't concern me - you know?

I set a reminder in my phone:

Help me filter out patterns that do not contribute to the health of my mind and the happiness of my spirit and soul. 
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This is a request to any or all the energies in the universe that point to good. That's my prayer.

I would like to swim out of this like a smooth finish to a dive.

But I don't think I can help that process if I'm resisting and fighting these thoughts and feelings as if they simply don't exist.
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I think perhaps I have to allow them to come rushing in, like kids after playing outside. Small kids that were arguing over how to set up their tree fort and now their telling you all about the small injustices they found in one another - he said, she said - and perhaps I can at least just listen without being sucked into the vortex of it, listen as a mediator perhaps. Or, just a witness to it.

Either way, I'll just let them mill, swarm, cavort around me, listen to them, have some empathy but not to a fault. At the very least, I'll let them in instead of locking them out, making monsters of them banging on my doors to come in; little tyrants yammering for attention and threatening to beat me to a pulp.

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the tyrants

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Uh, Can I Get a Hand Here Guys?

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A lingering moroseness has returned, I'm not sure what it's about. I'm trying, maybe? to just be with it. Perhaps I'm not and I'm just pushing it away and that's why it's persisting. Did I lose focus? I don't know.

I find I am disconnected somewhat to my feelings of love in my relationship, as if it's an exercise of stacking things on a very high shelf and my arm is dead tired from lifting. The thought of putting one more thing on that high shelf is utterly exhausting. I just look at it and think, am I not done yet? Ugh.

I have no room in my body, no space, it's full of work, peoples needs, my perception of peoples needs, how to declutter  my immediate future, how to make sure peoples needs are met, and how to be fair.

I have my sister's daughter and it weighs on me. She should be with her family, her mom (or dad), but my sister is a blistering hotbed of emotional infection. I was thinking this morning about how I can't be around her - she can't have a conversation, as if she no longer knows how, she just fucking rambles  nearly incoherently from one subject to the next. She doesn't talk with you, she talks at you and when you tell her to stop - because eventually you must, it feels like an assault that you can't put your finger on - she gets indignant that she's not allowed to express herself. Everyone else can but her. So she tries to spit guilt at you, guilt that you know, because you live in the real world, has nothing to do with you - but still, her spit is on you and it's gross.

Probably the last time I had a sane, normal conversation with her was when she was pregnant with the daughter I now have. To her credit, she never touched a drop of booze or drugs during her pregnancies. That was 12 years ago now.

We're certain she's been smoking crack, certain because she has admitted to it. Somehow, she manages to not fall into the face sore, street zombie crack user life. She manages to keep up appearances - she's always done coke like others drink coffee (therefore she doesn't see an issue with it; she loves it, it's her cigarette) and she's got it under control. It's madness.

Even if she's not actively doing coke/crack, the incessant chatter prevails her. To be clear, she's exhaustively chatty without help, but doing this makes it, as you can well imagine, horribly worse. Her mind is a pile of mush - and this wears on me. I can feel it invading me. A slow invasion, perhaps preparing for an ambush.

So, I'm writing this book, this book that intends to redeem her of herself. A book that explains how she got here - not why she stays - but that she had good reason to have arrived, that she shouldn't feel shame for it, there are many witnesses now... we all see you and have empathy for the war you lost. We see you and don't think you're horrible; we understand and apologize for any part our ignorance played.  This is what I am trying to write. And... it's hurting me.

Just write the book. That's been my mantra. I wake up in the dark and just as my mind starts to slip into other things, I hear just write the book. Write the fucking book.

But I must, or it helps, stay some what detached. I must create characters that show the heart of the story but are not us. I must create a world that is the magic of love and stuff of nightmares - and not get pulled in, not lose my strength of character to the weakness of my broken people. It is hard, hard work and it's what I do in my down time, my alone time.

Then... then I go to work where I am the sole understander of this feature (massive re-versioning) vision for our product and our users. The functionality we must provide for our users, the experience they deserve, the business cases they have, the software we are. I fight for their needs and experience.

I must teach our engineers why we need to do all the things and I must do it with grace and gratitude, because our engineers deserve to know what they are building and why, the deserve to be excited about what they are providing for small and large businesses. So I am pulling a bungee cord of information into the room and then pulling a bungee cord of engineers into the same room, holding them there, struggling to help the two meet, with all my strength - forever holding the tension of the two who keep pulling back and back...

and while I'm doing that, I'm balancing spinning plates of fires.
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It's glorious work, I could only dream of having such a challenge. I'm very happy about the work. However, I am under resourced. I'm getting tired. My heart feels sore, I feel a little wrecked and I don't know what to do. I want to do my best. My very, very best. I want to see this project all the way through and then some.

And I want to write a good book, a book that people enjoy and only realize afterwords that they were there as witness to my/our lives - an adventure book first and emotional journey after. I want to write a book that begins my new life. A life where I can finally let go, a book that tells my sister, once and for all, that "I see you. We all see you - more than you see yourself - and we love you for all that you have endured by your own hand and the had of others. You are redeemed." And from there, the marker will forever stand, the marker where she ends and I let go. Where I understand I have done all the things, the only things I could do to thank her. From there, it will be up to her to decide the life she wants and I will not and don't want to judge it. If she decides that coke and booze are who she is, then okay. But I don't want to watch.

I want to use this spark, this lovely spark (that we both have in our own ways) to write more adventures and I want to make people, myself included, laugh with every piece of their hearts. I want them to laugh and cry with a feeling of completeness and joy. I want to give them gifts that other writers have given me - beautiful idle time where the mind unfolds like a playground.

And I want to travel the world with ease and joy. I want to laugh and dance. I want to feel and give just enough love so as not to feel saturated but satiated.

I want to share this all with my wonderful daughters and their children (when and should they have them)

I want the sweet attainable bliss

Bitmoji Image...that's funny - because that's the name I've finally decided my sisters name will be in the book - the big reveal is that her real name is not Sorrow (that was a well earned nickname) her real name, the name she was given because that's what her mother thought of her, was/is Bliss.

Perhaps it's not weird at all - that is the ultimate goal - a little bliss for everyone.

So, yeah, where was I? My relationship, my love, that one more thing that I feel needs me to raise my arm to that high shelf, the arm that feels dead tired, I'm sorry... I just can't. If you can wait for me, I would be....

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If you can pour your love into me when I am depleted during this time - with no questions asked and excepting of the small returns you get - I would be forever, truly and deeply, honoured and grateful.
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Saturday, April 6, 2019

My Purpose?

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I can't find it lately. Maybe it's that I'm just not feeling it? I've been sick for a week now, I'm a horrible sick person, it's depressing as hell.

It is making me feel sick of myself. My lethargy is unbearable. I'm used to feeling good and with energy. I am neither of those right now. It's like... I have a swimming pool tied to my ass. How do people deal with this? People that have physical ailments that are legit and ongoing?
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Me Praying...

I have no idea and I pray that I am not sick much longer. I pray this isn't a permanent state of my existence now - because that's how it feels.

I like to come and look at myself this way, it feels better to call it what it is: pathetic.

Bitmoji ImageI'm wailing in self pity, so it's nice to do it loudly, really feel it.  Know what else I'm sick of? Being creative. Fucking sick of it, my brain is seriously over used right now. And preening over my creativity...?

God, make it stop. The preening anyways. 

I just want to stop feeling sick. I want to stop coughing. I want to stop feeling sorry for myself.

I want to feel spry. I want to feel connected to my purpose... which is... wait for it...

Feeling connected to my state of nothing. Enjoying the state of nothing and no one.

Right, that's it. I forgot. That's why I come here, to write the shit out of me, laugh at myself, and then move on. What a satisfying itch to scratch.
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Me not doing yoga
So, here I go...
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This is a lie, I have Purple Rain cranked right now...

I can do this... I can do nothing. Deep breaths.... 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

I Woke Up (Fucking) Angry

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I guess this sort of thing just happens, right? Sometimes your body or brain-body is just unaccommodating and says, "Nu-uh. Not today, pal. Fuck the fuck off."

Funny enough, it first struck right around the time the Greek and I were returning from a lovely day of reconnecting quiet time + dinner. He was driving home and unleashed a surprisingly emphatic (and hidden behind closed windows), "thanks for turning on your signal BITCH" to a woman at a four way stop. It was the bitch part that got me - and then that connected to his seemingly mild behaviour at the restaurant where the waitress - as is her job - came to our table for payment an asked the innocuous question of "any plans for the weekend?" It interrupted a conversation that couldn't continue in her presence so, it was that awkward silence, but that seemed normal enough. But after she took his payment, her eyes just said, fuck you - you arrogant prick.

She picked up on something he was doing (like being incensed that she interrupted us. Seriously 👀?), something I wouldn't see until the four way stop, that he was being a total ass.

So, yeah, that kind of behaviour just really turns me off. I looked at him with a bit of a laugh and wtf dude after the four way and he was like, What? I was just being like Ricky Gervase in After Life. Gervaise' new Netflix series where, because his wife has died, he gets to be a despondent bleak realist  that tells everyone exactly what he's feeling about their stupid behaviour -

the difference being that Gervaise is doing it to people that are actually being idiots AND he does it intelligently and casually,  without an arrogant type of anger.

It was as if the Greek took that show as permission that it was totally fine, good in fact, to shed ones inside intolerance of the world on whimsy.

Obviously, he hadn't stuck around long enough to watch the end of the series where Gervaise' character learns that it's not actually  cool to be an ass, he only watched the parts where Gervaise makes being an ass look like the coolest thing ever.

I have no idea if these things were even lightly connected, it just seemed entirely probable that they were. Either way, my inside self placed that buffer wall to him, the one where I'm like, "ew, dude, that was gross, wtf?" but I wasn't angry.

This morning though, I am as I said, Nu-uh, and it feels pretty intense.

I also have no idea if I just woke up and am tired and grumpy or if there is a direct correlation to his shit yesterday. What I do know is that I feel very indifferent to him right now, and my internal reaction feels disproportionate to the acts, which brings me here. I don't like this feeling and I don't want it. I would like to write it out of me. So, other things of note:

✅I'm still writing: I'm making use of the strange morning hours I keep and putting words to the page. It's going really well, and I'm happy with the work I'm doing.

✅Work is insane in a good way: shit is happening, the things I imagineered are taking shape and it's fucking beautiful. I am challenged in good ways and rising to each challenge. It does, however, feel equivalent to training for free soloing El Capitan, and my brain-body is exhausted at the end of a day. My shitty arrogant men issues seem to be repairing themselves with the introduction of better management.

I'm tired and I should be. Monday - Friday looks like:

5-7am, creative writing
get ready for work, walk to work (30 mins: listen to a podcast or imagine the story/book)
9-4:30pm, be a product owner and herd cats developers and tasks all while calculating solutions to very complex customer problems, project manage some enterprise customers.
4:30-9pm, walk home (30 mins: podcast or story thoughts again), figure out what to feed the minion my niece -  and maybe read/bath, do beauty tasks I've been meaning to do, knit, watch a show, eat some junk food? Hard crash. Sleep. Rinse repeat.

✅I'm sculpting: I have a piece I am working on and I am getting time to it. It stretches me thin on the weekends, but it's good.

✖ Love: I have it and I give it, but we are both busy so it can be hit and miss. Most of the time it feels proportionate to what I am looking for in my life and when I check in with him, he reports the same. He gets to play board games, sports, chill with friends and then crawls into a warm bed with me. I get to do all of my aforementioned things and he doesn't take up my personal space and then he makes my body and heart feel loved when he crawls into bed. Sometimes though, he really (super) annoys me.

✖ I'm not working out: this is a problem. My muscles are tight and sore, my butt/body is soft and... lack lustre (I want lustre). I need to fit in massage and acupuncture to fix stressed, tight, pinched muscles.

✖ I don't see my youngest daughter nearly as much: this is because I have my niece and planning weekends away gets more complicated. This wears heavy on my heart and spirit over time.

✖ The Greek and the Niece: he is not kid ready or friendly, he does not get it nor does he care to, nor should he have to. There is a general malaise between them, they agree to disagree on who is the better person between the two - and to be honest, they're both equally lovely and assholes. Yeah, that's me in the middle.

✖ Having my niece: I just don't like having parental duties again. I would like my sister to get her shit together.

✖ ✅My sister: Maybe she's getting her shit together? Conversations have been better? My fingers are crossed, my prayers are plenty.

So, 3 really big 's but 4 niggly  's  and two in the middle. That's where I'm at.
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So... where to go from here? 

I feel overwhelmed. Part of my solution includes forcing exercise into an already packed day. I need some help.

I'm going to manifest some balance and working a few less hours a week and at least working from home one day a week. I'll do 9am classes at the Y and work 10 to 6ish on those days. I'm doing good work, I think they want me to take care of myself and create balance.  

I'm due for a raise, I'm going to manifest an amount that leaves me a generous amount of savings so that I can travel about with ease. Again, I'm doing good work, I believe they see that and want to compensate it fairly.

I am going to continue to prioritize writing this book and put the best of my intelligence and creativity to it.

I am going to manifest being in a healthy, happy, and giving relationship - and then let the chips fall where they may. Tip of the ol' hat to the Gods, Goddesses, and Universe on this one. 

And then I'm going to rest. I am going to let this feeling find its way out and just rest. Tomorrow is a new day.

I appreciate youSpecial thanks to bitmoji for providing visuals for my posts and getting me closer to the small fantasy of creating a comic strip 😛.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Non Titillating Dirty Secrets

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Still writing (the novel) and doin' pretty good, I think. I'm taking a small break today because I wanted to write here and I have a headache.

I keep hearing myself say, "I'm just so tired. I'm just sooooooo tired..." and it's hard to tell if I'm actually tired or if it's induced tired, you see: A good amount of the time in a day, my body slides into nicotine withdrawal - a small hidden secret fact.

Afterwork is when I attempt to pile drive some nicotine into my body with a smoke so that my eyes and brain will respond properly.

Because the Greek often goes out in the evening, he plays sports, board games, hangs with buddies,  I get to relax and do the cigarette thing like a normal adult. And, I also get to relax and be me, such as:

  • Not talk to anyone
  • have a bath and read forever
  • sometimes clean up and organize
  • call one of my daughters and gab with them 
  • have a glass of wine
  • have a cigarette (one is usually fine)
  • binge watch a series like a sloth
    • includes eating horribly and loving every minute of it
Because of the smoking thing with the Greek, I'm often just so glad to have him hurry and leave so I can at least do that (or that's what I've been telling myself), but if I imagine myself being able to have a guilt free glass of wine and cigarette while he was here, I would still feel obligated to revolve the remainder of my time around him/us. 

Now, I'm not saying that he's demanding that, it could very well be me that's projecting that.

I'm also not saying that he isn't unconsciously demanding that I entertain him, and it's subtle enough that I don't pick it up. 

OR, both of us are together so we're both assuming a "I guess we're here together, we should do things together" type mindset because we're still kinda newlyweds

What I know for sure is that after I get home from work and am able to have that cigarette, wine, and silence - I perk up and decide what it is *I* would like to do: tv, bath, knit, talk to family... and I'm no longer exhausted.

If he was home with me I would have sat on the couch with him and

a) had a long, drawn out dish about work bullshit that can end up being us talking negatively about work, or
b)  watching a show that we both want to watch  and promptly fall asleep against the warmth of this body -  "exhausted." 

I think what I'm saying is that he might be like having an over scheduled child that doesn't know how to be bored. MAYBE I'm saying that. 

I'm not sure. 

(pretty sure though)

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Blood Red Moon

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I'm creating distance, a buffer zone, between us. Or it's just there and I don't know how to close the gap and am too tired or apathetic to try. Meh, meh, meh. I don't care.

Maybe this is the beginning of the end and I just don't want to admit it. Maybe I just don't have time and space in my head enough for a relationship. I'm not... enthused at the prospect of love making. Not really. I think I'd rather be alone most of the time.

  • I just want to get this book written, focus.
  • Make sure my niece is cared for and loved, nurtured and growing, and keeping a relationship with her familiar that is positive
  • Do my job well - deliver a smart and useable product
  • Sculpt a bit.

Mayhaps, I would enjoy a movie with him from time to time.

Those 3.5 things. I just want to do those things as myself.

That's the pisser I think. I don't feel like I can be myself, truly, with the Greek. I'm holding a lot of who I am back from him because... I just don't think he gets it and I don't want to explain it because... see above points. Those are the only things I want to do. Get out of my way, please and thankyou.

I want a part time boyfriend I guess, and I don't happen to mind the warm roommate in my bed at night. I just don't want to feel responsible to a relationship - a building of a life  - I aint got no time for that.

I hope that I'm not taking advantage of gifts. And if the gift is that I do get a person who is content to have a part time girlfriend, I hope I can see that and rejoice in it for what it is.
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Dear Universe, Gods, and Goddesses

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Dirty Energy

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Like I put some bad gas in my car, I feel like my soul is coughing and choking along. I'm angry.

I was fine up and until my landlady asked if I would like to pitch in for the firewood shed that her firewood guy built for 'us.' Only, it's a fixture at this house and I'm renting. Why the fuck would she ask me to pay for a portion of solid fixture of her house? It's like asking me to pitch in for renos.

Well, I'll tell you why (I think she would ask that). She's a penny pincher and she tries to squeeze dimes from anywhere she can, including asking people that she senses she can take advantage of ... for a small fee. In my mind, she has enough gal to be something like, "I'll put them in an awkward position where saying no makes you look like a bit of an ass...it's only $20" and this slight of hand towards insincerity has me wholly and completely incensed.

I believe I feel so strongly about this because I'm tired of people taking advantage of kindnesses, little tiny scratches that add up over time - and I'm starting to SPEAK UP. But that one was so small... that I didn't. And I'm mad at myself for not being clear.

This has spurned my slightly rabid, captured dog syndrome. Or, you know, large angry cat

First my sister, then my ex-coworker friend, my current full blown male ego coworkers, my thrifty landlord, my still emotionally developing sidekick (the Greek)...

Shitty parts of people and the world can fuck itself today. I'm not taking calls. 

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Also, I have some PMS (Maybe!)

I came to write bullshit, and then I saw my last post where I declared I was going to stop meandering in bullshit. So, here we go with more of the same.

I would like to declare today as National Get Out of Your Head Day.

Walaa, it is done.

There is a lot of bullshit in my head. Lot's of balls in the air lately. I don't care for it. Here they are:

  • I'm too busy
  • Fuck off
  • Leave me alone
  • I want a cigarette
  • Leave me alone
  • Don't touch me

Today (it appears) I don't want a relationship. I don't want to care for any other adult.

Heres a thing...

The Greek likes to be a bit bossed around in the bedroom. He really likes he idea of a woman who demands he please her. He loves it. I get it.

I really, really do.

You know what I like in the bedroom though? Having sex with man.

Now, I'm as fun as the next gal and I like to indulge my mate. There are times where I'm more than happy to play the part and use him as my tool to get my way, and I even like the way it makes him come unglued. However, please refer to bullet points, now is not that time.

The last thing I want to do right now is get into character. Jesus, it makes me shudder thinking about it.

This in itself isn't the problem. Any bossy woman would just tell her wee man sex slave to buzz off, but this would involve me getting into character. I'm not a bossy woman. I am a woman who is wrought with thoughts and sticky notes of to do lists that are eating at my brain like termites.

What I think I would like to do right now is just fall down from the weight of all the things. What I'm trying to do is get the fuck out of my head - because it's National Get Out of Your Head Day.

The problem is that whiney me is afraid to tell him that I am, in fact, TOO MUCH WOMAN RIGHT NOW TO PLAY A PART FOR HIM SO that HE CAN FIRE HIS JOLLY ROCKETS. Also, I'm a little angry about the fact that I should have to tell him.

Also, I'm a little afraid that he will leave if I don't play the part more, and once I hear that thought or feel that fear, I converse with myself as follows:

"Well if he leaves because I don't want to actually be the one who is the slave sex by playing the dominate role that he requests then... well, GOOD RIDDANCE! Why don't you just leave now then? Let's just get this over with, shall we?"

and then...

"You know what?  This relationship is too much for me, I can't keep juggling things that are the things that make you stay. If your presence is conditional, then let's just break all the conditions now because I CAN'T KEEP UP WITH THEM!!!!"


Can you see? The real problem is that I have not had this conversation with him. Only with me. And I become so frustrated that I end in the bulleted list.

The conditions of this relationship as I see them:
  • Don't smoke (or do it so incredibly infrequently that I never notice)
  • Be fun
  • Be bossy
  • Be sassy
  • Have a gorgeous and tight bubble butt
  • Long hair 
  • Strive to eat healthy
  • Indulge my fantasies once and awhile (like maybe once a week? *dimple grin + hopeful eyes)
Not horrible, right? Yeah, I thought it was doable too. Let's go through them, shall we? 

  1. Extreme infrequent smoking
    Ugh, what does this mean? This is pretty relative. And why the fuck is someone telling me how much to smoke? For the record, I like to have 1-2 cigarettes a day. Sometimes it's more. 4 is a lot and I feel gross. I think if he knew that, he would be horrified and it would be a deal breaker, so I keep this horrible secret and have a whole regime of hand washing and breath mints. Also, I have fear and anxiety of being busted when I do smoke. Dudes, I'm almost 50 years old. What the fuck?
  2. Be fun
    Obviously I'm naturally fun in the outside world. But also, I'm kind of a turtle. I like to crawl inside myself and do nothing. Which means I like to be quiet, have baths, knit, talk to myself, watch movies/tv
  3. Be bossy
    I'm already kinda bossy; but I'm also, seriously, the chillest fucking person and I don't tend to give a shit about most things. Also, I expect people to know how to behave. Or, a better way of saying it, I enjoy being around people that know how to behave, like with emotional intelligence and shit. Outside of my natural bossy-lite, being more bossy seems like work. 
  4. Be sassy
    Again, this is a natural trait but not all the time. Not when I'm in turtle mode (which is a good 50% of the time)
  5. Tight bubble butt
    Sure, I want this too - but not as a condition to love, attraction,  and appreciation 
  6. Long hair
    Ugh, whatever, he's just lucky I got tired of my bob finally. I have pretty hair. 
  7. Strive to eat healthy
    I don't actually give a shit about this one. I run in the middle here, I think I'm good. 
  8. Indulge my fantasies
    Ugh. Like I said... I dig this once in awhile. That he appears to need it? Get the fuck off my lawn, brah
I am a clusterfuck of angst, piss, and vinegar.

As soon as I see signs that he still loves me even though my hairs in a greasy ponytail and I have no make up on, I relax. But it doesn't last long, soon enough I convince myself that it's. just. a. matter. of. time until he bows out gracefully. SO JUST DO IT ALREADY. but don't actually?

I'm pretty sure I would miss him, despite how high maintenance he makes me.

Friday, January 4, 2019

With All Due Respect

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Just going over the feelings of the day. Mornings are a bit fucked up because I have too much time to think and then feel. It's kinda bullshit.

My plan was to stop that, stop meandering the mire of useless thoughts and only move forward with functional actions. Don't stop to worry and fret over things that don't exist. That's tough when I have all this time in the quiet of a home.

I suppose some days I think that if the Greek wasn't here I would be more free to make noise and do stuff that was productive, not just sitting and being quiet which means scrolling the internet.

It doesn't actually follow that if he wasn't here I wouldn't do that, it appears to be something I'm just telling myself to justify the idle action.

I don't like my inner self in the morning. Sometimes. I think too much.

I feel too much, feelings like: I don't want what I have. Which means being responsible for a small person and, to some extent, the feelings of an adult male. I just want them both to see that, within reason, they are the makers of their own domain - within these walls  that we share. We are all responsible for our own happiness and part of that is making sure we treat each other well.

That's it. That's all. Everyone figure out your shit, because I'm over here figuring out mine. And I don't want to be doing it either.

How do I stop diving into feelings of despair:
  • When I feel emotionally exhausted
  • When I feel mentally exhausted
  • When I feel physically older and a weaker (less energetic)
I suppose the first step is to stop denying that I am all of those things. The next step would be to take care of those things in the proper order.

Which is to say it's likely to feel like failure if I try and dive into working out when I'm mentally, emotionally exhausted to give it the physical energy it requires to feel successful.

I want to be a little angry at the adults around me that are off loading their laundry. I want to simply kick their laundry to the curb. I don't have cycles to do your laundry and I'm prepared to be selfish.
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So fucking there.

With all due respect, fuck off.